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For orders outside British Columbia the actual shipping costs will be higher than charged on ordering. You will receive an additional invoice through Paypal.

USA customers, please email your order and a quote for shipping will follow.

Email to; info@orangewireart.ca.


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What is


It is a textile and decoration hardener par excellence! Dip natural materials, such as textiles, in Paverpol. Drape or wrap the material around a wire figure or other armature and leave it to dry. Paverpol dries fast, but slowly enough to allow plenty of working time. After it has hardened, you have created a beautiful decoration or sculpture, which can be used indoors as well as outdoors.

Paverpol adheres to almost all materials, except plastic. The finished projects are rock-hard.
Sculptures made with pre-colored Paverpol like Bronze, Black or Grey can be placed outside after two weeks of curing. Varnishing is not necessary. It is important that you have wrapped the sculptures in a way that it is not possible that water can get in between the fabric and the frame. This will prevent it from molding.

Protect Paverpol in its liquid form from frost, once it is hardened however Paverpol can withstand extreme frost. Tools and hands can simply be washed in warm water.

Paverpol is a polymer, it means that natural materials that have been hardened with it might go soft when exposed to very warm surroundings, for that reason make sure every piece of material that is sculpted ‘against gravity’ is supported with either wire, wood, etc., to prevent it from sagging.

Paverpol can be mixed with other products from our product line to create various textures.